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Fees and Charges

Fees and charges may differ depending upon the area of the Big Bear Valley in which the property is located.

If you are within the service boundaries of the Big Bear City Community Services District, the City of Big Bear Lake, or San Bernardino County Service Area 53B:

Connection Fee

The connection fee is referred to as a system development fee or capacity charge and is a one-time fee paid at the time of the connection to the system. The fee recovers a proportional share of capital costs incurred to provide service capacity for new wastewater customers.

The connection fee is $4,180 as of July 1, 2018.

Ordinance No. O. 02-2018 Connection Fee.pdfOrdinance No. O. 01-2019 Reduction or Refund of Connection Fee.pdf

Sewer User Charge

The sewer user fee is the rate charged per equivalent dwelling unit (EDU). This rate is based on our revenue requirements and is used to cover operating, capital, and debt service expenses. This rate may vary by service area.

Sewer User Charges effective July 1, 2024:

Resolution No. R. 03-2024 Amending Sewer User Charge.pdf

Standby Charges per Parcel

A standby charge is a charge to undeveloped parcel owners that recovers a proportional share of costs to maintain wastewater facilities in a “ready” state.

Standby Charges per Parcel effective July 1, 2024:

Resolution No. R. 02-2024 Sewer Standby or Immediate Availability Charges.pdf

If you are in Baldwin Lake, Lake Williams or other outlying areas:

Waste Disposal Fees

Waste disposal services are provided to residents and businesses that are not connected to a sanitary sewer system. The waste disposal fees are measured in $/1,000 gallons. 

Waste Disposal Fees effective July 1, 2024:

Resolution No. R. 04-2024 Disposal of Waste Delivered.pdf

The fee for application processing is $25 plus any fees from the County of San Bernardino. Please see the Waste Disposal page for more information.

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