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Fair Political Practices Commission Regulations

The Fair Political Practices Commission is committed to helping public officials, candidates and lobbyists comply with their filing obligations under the Political Reform Act.

Conflict of Interest Code

The Political Reform Act (Gov. Code § 81000, et seq.) requires state and local government agencies to adopt and promulgate conflict of interest codes.  The Fair Political Practices Commission has adopted regulation 2 Cal. Code of Regs. § 18730, which contains the terms of a standard conflict of interest code, which can be incorporated by reference in an agency’s code.  After public notice and hearing, it may be amended by the Fair Political Practices Commission to conform to amendments in the Political Reform Act.  Regulation 18730, and the attached Appendix designating positions and establishing disclosure categories, shall constitute the conflict of interest code of the Big Bear Area Regional Wastewater Agency.

2023 Conflict of Interest Code.pdf

Form 700:  Statement of Economic Interests

Every public official who makes or participates in making governmental decisions is required to file a Statement of Economic Interests, commonly referred to as the Form 700. 

Copies of Statements of Economic Interest (SEI) can be obtained by:

  •  visiting our office located at 121 Palomino Drive, Big Bear City, Ca;
  • calling us at (909) 584-4018;
  • visiting the California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) at 1102 Q Street, Suite 300, Sacramento, Ca; or
  • contacting the FPPC at (866) 275-3772.
2023 Statement of Economic Interests.pdf

Some SEIs are available in electronic format on the FPPC website.

Form 801:  Payments to Agency Report

Form 801 is used to report certain payments received by state and local government agencies that are used for agency purposes and paid by a third party. FPPC Regulations 18944 and 18950.1 provide a procedure that agencies may use to disclose these payments, which may include a payment for an official’s travel expenses for the purpose of facilitating the public’s business in lieu of using agency funds; and a payment that would otherwise be considered a gift or income to the benefiting official, but is instead accepted on behalf of the agency. 

There are no 801 disclosures at this time. 

Form 802:  Gifts - Agency Provided Tickets or Passes

On August 28, 2019, the Agency’s Tickets and/or Passes Distribution Policy was adopted by the Governing Board and is in compliance with the provisions of FPPC Regulation 18944.1. This policy ensures that all tickets and/or passes the Agency receives from public or private entities and individuals are distributed as set by policy and disclosed within 30 days after distribution. 

There are no 802 disclosures at this time.

Form 806:  Agency Report of Public Official Appointments

FPPC Regulation 18702.5 requires that when there is a change in compensation or a new appointment, Form 806 is updated to reflect the change. The form must be updated promptly as changes occur.  Each agency must post on its website a single Form 806 which lists all the paid appointed positions to which an official will vote to appoint themselves. 

Form 806 Agency Report of Public Official Appointments.pdf
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